Friday, August 09, 2013

An Open Letter to GOP Leadership and Republicans..from a Republican

An Open Letter to GOP Leadership and Republicans..from a Republican

It is time for Republicans and their leadership to recognize the changing views of the electorate here in the United States.

It is time for a make over.  Not one that is orchestrated by the Party leadership but one that comes from the members and is recognized by the leadership.  Let's face it the party of Lincoln has morphed itself into a party of old white men.  The issues that the party continually hang their hats are becoming less and less important to the masses.

It is time to recognize that abortion is a women's right and not a legislative right.  While I personally do not support abortion I do not support government actions that legislate it.  Face it, women are becoming a slight majority of the electorate and if Republicans want their fair share of that vote they need to change their stated views.  Protection for women who seek abortion such as health care standards of the "clinics" and education regarding the process are important but the party of less government has no business dictating law and policy on the issue.

It is time to recognize that immigration and border security are two separate issues.  We need immigration and the issue can not be resolved by sending millions back to their "home".  We need people with H1B visas to fill the void in our technical industries.  Our own education system is failing.  We give scholarships to people to attend our universities and then after we have paid for that we kick them out of the country.  Does that make sense? 

We also need non H1B immigrants.  Arguments that these people are taking away jobs from our labor force or forcing wages down are ludicrous.  I do want extensive background checks of immigrants seeking permanent legal status to insure we are not just granting people with criminal backgrounds or people who will only become a burden on our over extended welfare system legal status.

It is time that the party learns how to use the media.  Going on the late night shows is not bad.  It is smart.  Not all of the electorate is watching Fox News 24/7.  The party also needs to learn how to use the electronic media.  There is no doubt in my mind that television, radio and print bias exists.  A strategy needs to be developed to deal with it.  Not bash it. 

It is time that we as a party stop attacking Obama and the Democrat Party.  The reason that Congress is held in such low esteem is the public is tired of the infighting.  We want to see some results.  Reaching across the isle is not like jumping on the third rail.  The public wants leadership.  Leadership at the top for the past 5 years has been absent.  However, any resemblance of real leadership from the minority and majority leaders in the party has been awol also.  How about a fresh approach?  Without saying they this and they that, the party and candidates state what they will do to work together to solve the problems we as a nation face.  Too sophomoric?  Maybe, but what we need are some fresh approaches. 

It is time we recognize that the party affiliation that is growing more than others is Independent.  If the Republican Party can ever shake the dogma of the past 20 or more years we could have a better chance of appealing to those Independent thinkers.

It is time for the Republican Party to re-think its position of gun control.  The NRA is no doubt a powerful force but a reasoned approach to this issue must be presented.  Assault rifles, hollow point rounds, large capacity clips, etc were not around when the framers of the Constitution wrote that amendment. Also citizens back then had higher moral values and respect for life that does not exist today in the drug and crime cultures.  In no way should we abandon  the Second Amendment

It is time we find new leadership and candidates in the party.  Dragging out the same old same old will not cut it.